Redeemer Network Conference

September 30 - October 2, 2024
The Well Abilene
137 Mesquite St, Abilene, TX 79601

Join us for our annual Redeemer Network Conference hosted by The Well in Abilene, TX. This year's conference theme is "A People of Presence" with JR Vassar, Lead Pastor at Church at the Cross, as our main session speaker. Our goal is that you leave encouraged and equipped, to carry on the mission of spreading the gospel through the planting of healthy churches.

Schedule of Events

(subject to change)

Monday, September 30th

5:00 pm Conference Check-In (light snacks available)

6:00 pm Welcome

6:15 pm Main Session 1 : Encountering God's Presence

8:00 pm Dismissal for the Evening

Tuesday, October 1st

8:00 am Women's Meet & Greet (coffee available)

9:00 am Breakout Block 1

10:30 am Breakout Block 2

12:00 pm Lunch

1:45 pm Breakout Block 3

3:00 pm Main Session 2 : The Practices of Presence & Power

4:45 pm Dismissal for the Evening 

Wednesday, October 2nd

8:00 am Orientation for Potential New Churches (coffee available)

8:00 am Replanting & Revitalization Meet & Greet (coffee available)

9:00 am Panel Discussion : Gospel Leadership for the Long Haul

10:30 am Main Session 3 : A Redemptive Confrontation

12:00 pm Dismissal - See you next year!


Block 1 :

Tuesday, 9:00-10:15 am


1. Anatomy of a Praying Life : How to Cultivate the Practice of Prayer

2. Human Sexuality & Identity

3. Deacons : How to Identify & Develop

4. Preaching the Gospel to Culture : Q&A on How & When to Address Issues Affecting Your People

5. Talking About Money Without Making it Weird

6. Life as a Ministry Wife : Understanding & Embracing This Unique Role & Calling

Block 2 :

Tuesday, 10:30-11:45 am


1. Online Presence : Developing a Social Media Strategy & Holistic Communication

2. Growing in Evangelism : How to Develop Rhythms in Your Life & a Culture in Your Church

3. Leading Change When the Stakes are High

4. Shared Leadership : How to Build Jesus-Shaped Leadership Teams

5. Children's Ministry : Identifying Best Practices

6. Managing Teams

7. Health Metrics : Understanding & Pursuing Redeemer Network's 10 Metrics of a Health Church

Block 3 :

Tuesday, 1:30-2:45 pm


1. Church Budget : What, Why, & How

2. Liturgy : Developing a Thoughtful Approach to Your Order of Worship & Song Selection

3. Counseling & Care : Equipping the Church to Care for One Another

4. Connections / Assimilation Strategy & How to Scale

5. Student Ministry : Healthy Systems, Structures, & Culture

6. Unique Opportunities & Challenges of Rural Ministry