Spreading the Gospel through

Planting | Replanting | Revitalizing

Healthy Churches

The Redeemer Network exists to catalyze church planting, replanting, and revitalization in Texas and beyond.

"Church planting is not for the faint of heart. Our organization equips you with training, helps you raise funding, and provides consistent support through the journey."

- Brandon Barker - Redeemer Network

"Replanting and revitalization are essential lenses through which we behold the beauty of the gospel by humbly participating in restoring and uniting His body for His glory."

- David Miller - Redeemer Network

"What I love about Redeemer is that our partnership in the gospel is marked by grace and an infectious brotherly love. All for the glory of God and the health of His bride."

- Joe Guenther, Pastor - Redeemer Hutto

"In every small town from Texas to Minnesota, a Gospel-driven church can transform the entire culture as faith takes root in people's hearts. We've witnessed it."

- Paden Behrens, Pastor - Redeemer Brady

"Nothing is better, in the midst of battle, than to know that the men by your side would give their life for yours. Make no mistake, church planting is spiritual warfare. Our network is an essential brotherhood."

- Justin Smith, Pastor - The Vessel Church San Angelo